In this article, I want to explore the way we invest both our time and money in three core pillars of our lives. Specifically, our career, our health and our finances. 

All of these pillars require our involvement in some level as we learn, grow and change throughout our lives. But finding the right balance can be challenging to say the least.

Given the choices we make in each of these areas today have a big impact on our future, it’s worth spending some time thinking about the role each of them plays in our life. 

Let’s explore each of these pillars in more detail.

How are you currently investing in your career?

Beyond your day job, are you prioritising life-long learning in your life?

It’s not enough anymore to take one course, and hope that’ll last you over a 40 year career. You need to keep up with new developments in your industry, add new skills to your tool-belt and stand out from the crowd.

How are you currently investing in your health?

This is a pillar of our lives we often neglect until something goes wrong, but being proactive with your health can make a huge difference.

Why wait until you’re out of breath walking to the coffee shop before you start focusing on your fitness? The other elements of your life, also depend on you being healthy enough to fully enjoy them.

How are you currently investing in your finances?

Finally, the pillar that can seem all consuming, until you learn the basics. It’s important to figure out what’s enough for you, and make a plan.

You can set future you up for success by saving and investing your money with a long-term plan, and keeping things as simple as possible. 

Reflecting on How You’re Investing in Your Future

Reflect on where you currently are and where you want to be in each of these areas.

What changes might you need to make in the way you invest your time and money into these areas, to get to where you want to be?

Consider whether there are easy ways you can prioritise these pillars in your calendar or budget each month.